The 39th annual conference of the German Society for Music Psychology took place at the founding location of Hanover to mark the 40th anniversary of the society. 118 participants celebrated the anniversary with a ceremony consisting of a concert and champagne reception and very special guests of honour. Helga de la Motte-Haber, one of the three founding members of the DGM, gave a ceremonial lecture on Saturday – exactly 40 years to the day after the founding protocol was signed – and then reported on the founding period in the roundtable together with her former doctoral students Josef Kloppenburg and Günter Rötter.
Prior to the conference, the “Doc.Workshop” took place with 10 young researchers, four travel grants were awarded.
In the main conference, an impressive range of topics was presented in 20 lectures and on about 60 posters. This year’s prize for young researchers went to Miriam Eisinger with her research on the “Development of subjective theories about musicality in adolescents”.
Blanka Bogunović, Jan Hemming and Angelika Kaulich were honoured for 25 years of membership, and the DGM also welcomed numerous new members.
Resolutions of the General Assembly:
The Ethics Committee started its work with five members (Claudia Bullerjahn, Anja-Xiaoxing Cui, Ann-Kristin Herget, Tim Loepthien and Eva Schurig) under the terms of the submitted rules of procedure.
Claudia Spahn was elected to the Good Scientific Practice Committee, which now again consists of five members.
The association’s statutes are being adapted, the updated version will be published soon.
Conference 2024 – safe the date!
Nicolas Ruth invites you to the 40th annual conference on 6-8 September 2024 at the University of Music and Theatre in Munich. First informations will be announced on the website soon.